Women's Health Physiotherapy can help you to overcome some of the things that make life difficult. If you experience any of the following, we can help.
Pelvic Girdle Pain, Back Pain and Piriformis Syndrome
During pregnancy your pelvis prepares for birth by increasing the laxity of the pelvic ligaments which can result in instability and pain. This is commonly felt in the lower back, bottom and groin. Pain can also be referred down your leg.
How we help:
Education on ways to improve your pain and what activities to avoid
Manual treatment to help ease the pain and tightness
Prescription of support garments if necessary
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is compression of the median nerve in the hand which can cause pain, pins and needles, numbness and weakness of grip strength. This often occurs during pregnancy, especially in the later stages due to an increase in upper limb fluid retention which compresses the nerve.
How we help:
Education on ways to ease your symptoms
Prescription of a splint if necessary
Exercise Advise and Prescription
South St physio can provide guidance and prescription of exercises to allow you to continue to get the benefits of exercise while keeping you and your baby safe during you pregnancy.
Post Natal and General Women's Health
Vaginal Heaviness/Bulging/Prolapse
Pelvic organ prolapse is when the pelvic organs descend towards the vagina due to damage to the tissues within the pelvis. This can be damaged during a vaginal delivery, especially when the pushing stage of labour is long, the baby is over 4kg and/or forceps are used. to the tissues within the pelvis.
How we help:
Education on ways to support and improve the prolapse
Advice and prescription of pelvic floor exercises to provide support
Stress Urinary Incontinence/Overactive Bladder/Urge Incontinence
Stress Urinary Incontinence is leakage of urine when you cough, sneeze, laugh or lift heavy things.
Urge Urinary Incontinence is leakage of urine when you need to go to the toilet but don’t get there in time.
Overactive Bladder is symptomatic urinary urgency, usually associated with having to go to the toilet a lot in the day and night and can be associated with urge incontinence.
How we help:
Education on good bladder habits and re training as necessary
Thorough assessment and prescription of pelvic floor exercises as necessary ​
Abdominal Muscle Separation/Diastasis Rectus​
During pregnancy the Rectus Abdominus stretches to accommodate for the growing baby. Sometimes after birth a ‘gap’ is left in the middle of the rectus diastasis.
How we help:
Prescription of the correct strengthening exercises to provide you with stability and control
Exercise advice and prescription
It is important to get
A post-natal check-up and education on the correct and safe way to return to exercise
Make sure your pelvic floor and deep abdominals are working before you return to normal exercise or begin a new exercise program
Information on the correct progression of exercise to prevent injury
Back pain
Due to the new demands placed on a Mum especially during the early stages, aches and pains can occur in the lower, mid and upper back.
How we help:
Adopting correct postures during feeding, carrying and transferring your newborn.
Correct any biomechanical issues causing stress on your body
Decrease musculature and joint tightness
Prescribe exercises and stretches to help manage these new demands of being a Mum
Common Wrist and Thumb Pain Post Pregnancy
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is compression of the median nerve in the hand which can cause pain, pins and needles, numbness and weakness of grip strength. This can be caused by prolonged wrist flexion posture during breastfeeding.
How we help:
Education on ways to ease your symptoms
Prescription of wrist/hand support if necessary
De Quervain’s
De Quervain’s is inflammation of the synovium or sheath that surrounds the two tendons that run between the thumb and wrist. It can cause swelling and pain at the base of the thumb. This is very common in new Mums due to the repetitive lifting movements required to look after a baby.
How we help:
Education to decrease the aggravating factors and correct the posture causing the irritation
Tape or splint if necessary